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2024 Mixed Netball


Mixed Open &
Mixed Junior 

KINA is running both Junior and Adults Mixed Competitions in 2024! 

Competitions will commence at the end of the Term 3 School Holidays and run for a 6-8 week period throughout Term 4. 

More information below:

Junior Mixed

Open to Grade 3 - Grade 10

The Junior Mixed Comp will be conducted in the same format as the current Junior U12 and U16 competitions. Depending on participant numbers, there will be more concise age groups and a maximum of 3 males in each team. 

If you are interested in participating in this year's KINA Junior Mixed Competition please leave your name at the School Office at the beginning of Term 3. 

Alternatively, email the Committee at

More information to follow shortly. 


Open Mixed

Registrations OPEN NOW!

KINA is pleased to run yet another Adult Mixed Netball Competition in 2023. 

Registrations are open now, and finalised teams can be emailed to for submission to the Committee. 

Cut off date for Team Entry is September 8th. 

More information below:

Mixed Netball Competition Rules & Information

In this competition, the emphasis is on enjoyment, social atmosphere and skill development/maintenance. All games shall be played as per the Netball Australia Rule Book, except to the extent that they are negated or modified by these rules. All rules are open to the interpretation of the umpire and their decision is final.

1. Location

All games will be played at the KIDHS Gym. (Dates and Times TBA).

2. Team Registration

Teams must be registered by the Captain or Primary contact through the registration information provided above. Full payment of the registration fee must be paid upon completion of registration for a team to be guaranteed entry into the competition.

Juniors - 

Adults - 

3. Player Registration

All participants must be registered before taking the court; they will then be named on the weekly score sheet. All players must play a minimum of 1 game to participate in finals. All players currently participating in the Junior Netball Competitions are registered and therefore do NOT have to register again. 

4. The Players

A maximum of 7 players may take the court at one time, and no less than 5 players. If a team does not have 5 players, the game will not commence until at least 5 players have arrived. A team must start with at least one male on the court, with a maximum of three males may be on the court at any time. Teams may use more than three males during the game but must only have three on at any time with any extras being used as substitutes. If during the game any males are injured which results in the team being left with no males then play may continue provided the team still has 5 players on court. Male players shall play one in each area of the court (mid court, goals, and defence).

The combination is:

o GS or GA

o WA or C or WD*

o GD or GK

*Alternatively, if teams have two male players in the mid court, then they cannot have a male player in defence or goals.

For example:

o WA and C – cannot have a male in GS or GA

o WD and C – cannot have a male in GD or GK


5. Length of the Game

The game structure for the preliminary rounds of the competition is as follows: - 16-minute halves - Substitutions can be made at a centre pass closest to the 8-minute mark of each half (this will be determined by the umpires) - A half time break of 2 minutes In finals and playoffs, the same structure will be followed. In the event of a draw at the end of the game, extra time will be given.


6. Extra time:

- 2 x 3 minutes with no half time break.

- Teams will not swap ends at the beginning of extra time, and will instead swap ends at half time of the extra time.

- Teams may only make positional changes at the beginning of extra time.

- In the event of a draw again at the end extra time, no further time will be given. Instead, the game will continue until one team is two goals ahead. This team will then be declared the winner.


7. Starting the Game

At the beginning of the game, both centre players from each team will ‘rock off’ for possession of the first centre pass. After this, the pass alternates between teams, irrespective of who scores the goal. If one team is late, the centre pass is automatically given to the team who has arrived on time.

8. Forfeits

In the event of a forfeit, the winning team will be awarded a score of 20-0 and 4 competition points. There is no monetary penalty for a forfeit, but teams must let the competition coordinator know if they are unable to play any given week. A team will be ineligible for finals should they forfeit more than 2 times in a season. Teams must be ready to start at the scheduled times. If the opposition does not show at the beginning of this period then the clock shall commence running and they will be penalized one point per minute that they are late. After 10 minutes, if the team has still failed to turn up the game will be cancelled, and the team be awarded a forfeit.


9. Uniform

Players are advised to wear suitable sports clothing and proper sports shoes must always be worn. Players cannot take the court in bare feet. No jewellery shall be worn except for a wedding ring, a medical bracelet, or small stud earrings which must be taped to the satisfaction of the umpire. All fitness trackers and watches must be removed before the game. Fingernails must be cut short or taped to the satisfaction of the umpire.  Nails and jewellery will be checked by the umpires before the game.



All players must be respectful towards each other, as well as towards the umpires. This competition is social, and must be enjoyed by everyone. Any form of player misconduct will not be tolerated and may result in you or your team being excluded from the competition. Please adhere to the KINA Code of Conduct and any other KINA Rules & Regulations at all times. 

 11.Rule Clarification

If players would like clarification on a rule or a call, only the captain may approach both umpires at any of the breaks and ask for rule clarification. Players must conduct themselves in a professional manner when doing this, and put their inquiry in the form of a question.


0423 207 566

Loz Harvey - President



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